Unburden from the Past.

And Remember Who
You Truly Are

Individual Therapy in Catonsville and
Online throughout Maryland

Being a human in this world is hard.

There is so much that gets in the way.

We are so overstretched by family and job demands – we can’t take a moment for ourselves.

That voice in our head, “What’s wrong with me?” plays over and over again, and we can’t help but believe it.

The world feels like it’s on fire, and we feel so powerless to do anything about it.

One traumatic event changes the entire trajectory of our lives, and there doesn’t seem to be any way back.

It is so easy to lose ourselves in this and fall into the grips of worry, self-criticism, and despair. This creates conflict and resentment in our relationships; blots out our joy and motivation; and damages our health, well-being, and spirit.

But there is a “you” that knows another way.

Buried deep, underneath all the muck.

Sometimes, you can feel it when everything is still (when the moment is just right) – a whisper of something more fulfilling, more creative, more real.

What would it be like to unburden from what life has weighed on you and live from this authentic Self more often?

How would it feel to experience contentment and fulfillment, even amongst the chaos and busyness of life?

If the promise of peace, rediscovery, and satisfaction is exciting, you’ve come to the right place.

Schedule your

Appointment Today!

Hi, I’m Amanda.

I’m so excited to go on this adventure with you.

It is my deepest privilege to be a guide and witness to people’s journey toward healing. It is not easy work, and it will be painful at times as we sift through old wounds. But it is also beautiful and rewarding work.

In each of our sessions, we begin with a grounding exercise to bring awareness to what is important. I don’t want a re-cap of your week. That is not why you are here. You are here to dig deep – to unburden from your past and learn new strategies to create a more joyous and authentic present and future.

We will laugh and cry and cuss together. (No apologies for crying or cussing, PLEASE.)

We will meditate (and you WILL be good at it), discover self-compassion, explore your intuition and creativity, and quiet that inner critic.

You will learn that there is nothing wrong with you. You’re just a human in a world that can be really fucking hard.

Reveal your true Self.

As Carl Jung said, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

It is time to move on from past wounds; ditch the criticism, guilt, and fear; and find out who that is.

You can do this. And I can help. Reach out for a free 20-minute consultation today: